Join the Club


MUBC Membership and how to get involved.


We welcome anyone to join the MUBC community and come play basketball with us! Simply click the "Join The Club" button below to become a member.

Our annual fee is $80 for students and $155 for non-students to cover insurance, team entries, court hire, etc. For "summer signups" after August 1st, that fee is reduced to $50 for students and $90 for non-students. Note that if you wish to be placed in a MUBC team, you will also need to pay a registration fee to the competition organisers as described on our FAQ page.



Amongst other things, your membership fee covers:
Court Hire - Saturday training sessions at Melbourne Uni
* Coaching - Experienced coaches to provide feedback and direction at MUBC training
Team Organisation - Administration of your team in a weekly competition (if you select to play in a team)
* Social Event Organisation - Organisation of our annual events including Season Launch, Trivia Night, Presentation Night, and Christmas BBQ.
* Additional Basketball Opportunities - Organisation of tournament basketball and various other additional programs.
* Member Discounts - Receive discounted member prices for MUBC merchandise and Big V home game entry.
Player Insurance - Access to insurance cover in event of injury during a MUBC training or game.
* Discounted Gym Membership - The MU 'ClubFit Program' is available to MUBC members offering an annual discount to the MU gym, pool, and group fitness.
* Voting/Committee Access - Obtain the right to vote at our AGM and nominate to join our committee if interested!

Please note that the purchase of an MUBC membership is non-refundable.

If you need more information regarding MUBC membership, please get in touch with our domestic player representatives:
Men - Gagan Kuthi Prasanna - mensrep@melbourneunibasketball.org.au
Women - Mithali Rajagopalan - womensrep@melbourneunibasketball.org.au