Insurance Claims Policy


Insurance Claims Policy


Insurance Information and Claims Policies

MUBC members have personal injury insurance through the University of Melbourne/Melbourne University Sport. Further information on these policies and processes can be found on the University of Melbourne website, as well as insurance claim forms and documentation.

MUBC is an affiliated association of Basketball Victoria (BV) and therefore all registered MUBC members are provided a level of insurance through BV’s provider. More information regarding this process can be found on BV's website.

The club can assist you in making any claims, but please note that you must be a registered MUBC member and have sustained the injury at a club activity. If you require such assistance, please email us at secretary@melbourneunibasketball.org.au with all relevant information and documentation.

Be aware of your coverage and seek additional insurance independently if you are not satisfied.

Please note that the club does not provide personal effects cover, i.e. insurance coverage that protects your personal possessions against accidental loss or damage when you take them away from your home. Please be careful with personal belongings you bring to MUBC competitions, activities or events.