Position Available: Melbourne Uni Big V Game Night Manager

the black angels


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Melbourne University Basketball Club are looking for someone to take on the role of game night manager for all home Big V Games. This position basically involves ensuring that game nights run smoothly and being the contact person on the night for any issues.  

Specific duties include:

·         Be at all home games.

·         Ensure refs and opposition knows where to locate change rooms and provide keys.

·         Ensure all volunteer duties are filled i.e. video camera, floor wiper, door person, food prep.

·         Be responsible for assisting with injuries or incidents and manage the event.

·         Ensure payment is made to score bench and stats persons.

·         Collect voting forms at the end of games and send these in to the Big V.

·         Purchase soft drinks/alcohol for game nights and ensure there is enough available. (Funds will be reimbursed).


This position can be a paid role and specific costs can be discussed in more detail with anyone interested.  If you would like to take this on, please contact either Rhia at bigv@melbourneunibasketball.org.au or Anjali at president@melbourneunibasketball.org.au