MUBC Welcomes the 2016 Cohort

the black angels


Summary Image:


The basketball recruitment table at Clubs Day during O'Week was a great success with loads of new UniMelb students stopping by and signing up. We hope to see plenty more visit our table on Friday (4th) to find out what one of the biggest sporting clubs at UniMelb is all about.

For those who have signed up for a full or social membership or are interested in doing so, we encourage you to pop into our Saturday morning training sessions at the Melbourne University Sports Centre. 


Men's:       9am - 11am (Beginner/Intermediate)

               11am- 1pm (Advanced)- We encourage all new members to initially attend the beginner session unless you are clearly a Rep level player

Women's:   10am - 12pm (All levels) - Sessions will be split into beginner and advanced once teams have been determined


Fees:        Social - $20 (allows attendence at training only)

               UniMelb Student - $70 (full membership until March 31st 2017)

               Non UniMelb Student - $130 (full membership until March 31st 2017)


MUBC is looking forward to seeing some new faces at training this Saturday!