Meet Your 2014 Committee

the black angels


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On Saturday February 1st, MUBC held its 2014 AGM. MUBC had quite a successful year, not only with basketball but also administratively and most importantly on the social front.

A big thank you to the outgoing committee who literally kept the club running smoothly through 2013, especially to President Rhia Mikkor, who has chosen to step down from the role this year, though will thankfully stick around as Vice President to help keep things running smoothly in the year to come.

The new 2014 committee is as follows:

President - Anjali Goundar

Vice President - Rhia Mikkor

Treasurer - Damien Murphy

Secretary - Philip Verrocchi 

Assistant Secretary - Amanda Douglass-Parker

Men's Domestic Rep - Pete Gioldasis

Women's Domestic Rep - Rebecca Twyerould

Tournament Coordinator - Mel Fidler

Social Coordinators - Sofia Soltys & Kylie Turnley

Big V Rep - Rhia Mikkor

Uniforms - Sofia Soltys

Communications/Website - Jason Kotchoff