Brendo & Sam - Life Membership




At the 2006 presentation night, the club elected by three fourths majority to award life membership to Brendan 'Brendo' Green and 'Slamming' Sam Sterling in recognition of their enormous contributions to the club.

Here's a taste of their involvement.

Brendan Green:

- President from 1998-2002

- Treasurer from 1996-1997

- Active member from 1993 to 2006 when he moved to Vietnam

- Assistant coach for Womens VBL (Monday, Thursday, Saturday nights)

- Coach of MMBL womens team (Wed nights)

- Running womens training on Sat morning

- Attending domestic boys training on Sat morning

- Playing Tuesday nights, coaching girls on Tuesday night

- Playing on Sunday night, coaching girls on Sunday night

- Scorebench for VBL when possible

- The only night I wasn't on MUBC stuff was Friday!

- Game manager for VBL one year

- Score bench official for VBL games over numerous years

- Many tournaments

- Coach for Uni Games girls in Adelaide 2006

- Head coach of the domestic girls for many years


Sam Sterling

- Member from 1992-2008 

- Coached domestic teams from 2000 to 2007

- Ran men's domestic training 2001-2003

- Edited Dribbling Balls from 1995-2002

- Committee member from 1996 to early 00's (Social rep; Domestic girls rep; Big V rep)

- Inaugural Big V (then VBL) rep for MUBC

- Successfully campaigned for MUBC's inclusion (as the first association without a junior development program) in the state league.   

- Inaugural Big V Game Manager (2000 to 2004)

- VBL/Big V Scorebench official (2000 to 2007)

- Attempted every tournament possible, often as tournament co-ordinator

- Part of the MU2 team that defeated MU1 in the infamous CYMS B Grade grand final of 2003

- Involved in the selection panel that appointed Dean Vickerman to his first Head Coaching role in 2004