Beware...Thief at MU Sport

the black angels


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A message from MU Sport:

University Security has recently provided information that the person who committed a number of the thefts early last year may return to Melbourne University Sport to steal more valuables in the coming weeks.

Change rooms were targeted and also unattended bags from stadiums and outside of squash courts.

MU Sport Guest Service officers have been alerted, however can you please pass this on to any Club members who are attending Club training sessions at the Sports Centre to take care with personal belongings at all times.

We recommend that bags/valuables are not kept at the back of courts where a person can easily walk past and grab them and make a quick exit.

Where possible put bags/valuables in an area which you can see at all times – and as far from an building exit as possible.

Take care of your stuff guys and try to leave anything valuable at home.