
the black angels


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MUBC's AGM is comming up...Saturday 7th Feb during training.

There are some committee positions up for grabs, so this is your chance to get more involved in the club, have your oppinions heard and get some great talking points for your resume.


Social Coordinator(s)

Job description: The most fun role – it involves coordinating the major social functions throughout the year, such as the trivia night, presentation night, and Big V double header theme nights. Doesn’t necessarily organise each event – can find others to do so. This role is often shared by 2 or more people. This year we will be continuing our charitable efforts, so if giving back to the community is something you are passionate about, this is the role for you.

Best suited to: Anyone who wants project management experience, likes organising social events, and who is well organised and prepared. MUBC would love to get a male club member involved in this role. The girls have been dominating this position for far too long!

Big V Delegate:

Job description: The Big V Delegate is responsible for being the contact point between the Big V and other associations that play and Melbourne Uni Basketball Club. It is an important role as it ensures that the Club is aware of any changes that are occurring within the League and promotes MUBC as a professional and respected Club.

Best suited to: A Big V player or someone willing to be at a majority of Big V games. Will hopefully be aided by a game night manager.

Mens and Womens player representatives (separate jobs)

Job description: Represent the interests of players to the other committee members, to ensure that the club is travelling in the right direction. Often combined with the registrar job, it is an easy but crucial role. Also helps out other committee members where needed by liaising with the men’s or women’s players. Will be the first point of call for those wishing to join the club.

Best suited to: Anyone who just wants to get involved, who regularly attends training and regularly gets involved, who has their finger on the pulse and is willing to help out.

Uniforms Manager

Job description: This role is top heavy. Uniforms will generally be purchased once or twice per year. The uniforms manager will need to ensure we have sufficient uniform stocks to supply the domestic and Big V teams.

Best suited to: Anyone who can attend Saturday training early in the year to supply uniforms to new players and is organised.

Game Night Manager(s)

Job description: This is a paid position. Game night manager must attend all home Big V games to ensure the night runs smoothly. The manager will be the liaison for officials and opposition teams, will ensure volunteer roles are filled and maintain drink and food stocks for sale on game nights.

Best suited to:  Anyone who can attend Big V home games (men’s and women’s). Access to a vehicle is desired for transport of drinks etc.


 Email: secretary@melbourneunibasketball.org.au to nominate for a position or two.